Welcome to Peace Over Poverty

The world is a good place to anyone I know. Whenever I ask “How’s Life” (which I do a lot) usually I get back good, nice, and great! Sometimes if I ask a stressed adult I don’t get a very positive answer, but the best answer I ever got was “Great! I have a full tummy, a safe place to sleep and an education, life’s just… great!” That made me think, are there many people in this world who don’t have a full tummy, a safe place to sleep, or even an education? Then I realized that I haven’t seen the real world. Almost all my life I have lived in the same town, that’s all I know. What is the real world like? I have decided the best way to figure this out is to learn about and explore the real world and share my findings with anyone who will listen and read this blog.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Teens Around The World

I recently looked back at one of my old posts when I said I would tell you about a class I take called Teens Around The World, and realized I never did, so I am writing about it now. Teens Around The World is one of my electives at school. It is not only the most fun period of the day, but also where I get a lot of my information for Peace Over Poverty. It is taught by my teacher, Julie Krug. In Teens Around The World (or TAW for short) we talk about many things stretching from child labor to flip flops (we watched a video recently about how flip flops are being lost into the ocean and usually wash up on the shores of an African island and are being remade into art to be sold at the market). In TAW we watch videos about children our age in other countries, eat food from other countries, and really learn the truth about what is happening in the real world. We also have a library of books about the world, many of which I have read. I learn more in TAW then I do in all my other classes combined.

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY agree with you. I learn sooooooooooooo much in TAW. Way more than middle school, besides,this is the important stuff, not how to find square roots.
