Welcome to Peace Over Poverty

The world is a good place to anyone I know. Whenever I ask “How’s Life” (which I do a lot) usually I get back good, nice, and great! Sometimes if I ask a stressed adult I don’t get a very positive answer, but the best answer I ever got was “Great! I have a full tummy, a safe place to sleep and an education, life’s just… great!” That made me think, are there many people in this world who don’t have a full tummy, a safe place to sleep, or even an education? Then I realized that I haven’t seen the real world. Almost all my life I have lived in the same town, that’s all I know. What is the real world like? I have decided the best way to figure this out is to learn about and explore the real world and share my findings with anyone who will listen and read this blog.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Questions for Budd MacKenzie

After I wrote the post The Women of Afghanistan, I realized I had many questions. Budd MacKenzie is the founder of Trust in Education, which is an organization that I have mentioned numerous times, and you are probably sick of hearing about. I decided that he was the best person to answer my questions. Last Tuesday Budd spoke at the Mt. Diablo Peace Center about the conditions of women in Afghanistan. Sadly, I wasn't able to go but I gave my list of questions to a friend (who has a super awesome blog at http://www.hannahsprojectrainbow.com/) who went and asked Budd the questions. Here are the answers.
Why do you think education is so important?
Budd: Education is so important because it gives people the skills that they can use to lift themselves out of poverty.
What do most families think about child marriage?
Budd: Many households don't care about the girls. They want to raise money for their son's marriage, and unload their daughters.
Do most people like your help?
Budd: Totally! When you are in survival mode, you will do anything to stay alive. Anything.      
 Do you think Afghanistan will ever fully recover from its past?
Budd: Yes, but it will take a long time. Piece by piece they are fixing it up, but Trust in Educations piece is getting bigger and bigger.
What can we do to help?
Budd: Have the U.S. change their foreign policy to make gender equality very important and stop money flow to countries that don't support gender equality.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Annakat! Thanks for mentioning my blog:) I love your picture too.
