Welcome to Peace Over Poverty

The world is a good place to anyone I know. Whenever I ask “How’s Life” (which I do a lot) usually I get back good, nice, and great! Sometimes if I ask a stressed adult I don’t get a very positive answer, but the best answer I ever got was “Great! I have a full tummy, a safe place to sleep and an education, life’s just… great!” That made me think, are there many people in this world who don’t have a full tummy, a safe place to sleep, or even an education? Then I realized that I haven’t seen the real world. Almost all my life I have lived in the same town, that’s all I know. What is the real world like? I have decided the best way to figure this out is to learn about and explore the real world and share my findings with anyone who will listen and read this blog.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sources for Women of Afghanistan

I forgot to say before that I got all the information I needed for my post about the women of Afghanistan from a website called Trust in Education. The address for Trust in Education (which if you read that post you would know Trust in Education is a great organization that helps the women of Afghanistan) is http://www.trustineducation.org/why-afghanistan/life-as-an-afghan-woman/.  My Teens Around the World teacher let me take a picture of her burqa that she got when she traveled around the world. I will explain Teens Around the World in my next post.

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